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The Madeinkamerun story

Dernière mise à jour : 6 mai 2020

Here we are at the first blog post of our Madeinkamerun brand website. It took us a long time (almost 4 years) to finally decide to go as far as possible in this adventure, but we're finally there.

First of all, it's good to be able to look back over the history of our brand and to explain why this project is so important to us.

Madeinkamerun was born in 2016 in New York City. The name sums up our intention behind this project: to shout our origins to the world. Because, yes, Yvan and I are MADE IN KAMERUN.

Paris New York Yaoundé

Looking back in 2005, Yvan, then barely 16 years old, left his native Cameroon to pursue his studies in France. I, who stayed in Cameroon, amused myself by hunting for bracelets in the handicrafts not far from the pharmacy where our mother worked at the time. When the opportunity arises, I send the thrifted bracelets to my brother in France.

As time goes by, I become a regular at the craft center, and Yvan's collection of bracelets grows. He is approached in the street and at his place of service. Every time the same question comes up: "Where did you buy your bracelets?"

The idea of selling jewelry made in Cameroon abroad was born. Bracelets made of wood, fishing line, and other local materials were very much a part of the environment in which we grew up. Seeing foreigners taking an interest in them, everywhere we went, was a trigger.

Back to the past

Beyond the financial aspect of the thing, refining this idea and making it a brand of accessories was a real plunge into our roots. Going to meet the craftsmen, deciding who we were going to work with, discovering the name of each of the materials used, the assembly of the jewels, the virtues of the stones, ....

The transmission of the artisanal know-how and ancestral know-how, was a real personal discovery. All these steps contribute to the four years that passed between the first order of bracelets placed with our team of craftsmen and the launch of this last versions of the website.

On our new site, you will be able to get details about the origin of the materials used in the design of our jewelry, the virtues of each stone selected, but also ideas for a look that will inspire you in case you don't know how to combine tradition with modernity.

The biggest innovation of this site is that you will now have the possibility to customize your jewelry, engrave dates, and other important messages on some of your bracelets to have them in your daily life or for gifts that you will offer to people around you. Do not hesitate to contact us directly for all your questions about this new service.

Today, we are proud to present you a Madeinkamerun close to our common visions of our cultural heritage. A brand of handmade accessories whose only ambition is to shout loud and clear : WE ARE Proud of OUR ORIGINS.

Welcome to our adventure, take a seat because we are family.

Ines Tatiana Ntsama for Madeinkamerun.

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